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Cloud, Big Data & ML Solutions

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Our Philosophy

Autumn Leaf is a trusted technology partner, able to help drive data-driven capabilities within organisations. We bring proven experience, maturity and best practice approaches to the fore, enabling the adoption of agile principles, governance and competencies and associated culture change. These changes uplift an organisation’s capability to become successful in the implementation of cloud, big data and artificial intelligence solutions. We offer comprehensive offerings built around Open Source, Big Data and Cloud, and have senior architects and specialists across our offerings and within our offerings.


migration icon


Comprehensive SLA support & consulting services to drive your cloud journey
(AWS & Azure) & augment and
uplift your skills. Full security, CIS audit, monitoring, cost control & governance services.

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Big Data icon


Build warehouse, IoT, batch & streaming into Data Lakes using Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, Kafka, Redshift, Cloudera & EMR. Data flow and ETL with Glue,
Nifi, DataBrew, Talend.

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devops icon


Full modern SDLC CI/CD Deployments (AWS Stack or Jenkins), CloudFormation and TerraForm Infrastructure as Code. Automation of tests and builds, source control, container and Kubernetes deployments.

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Secure icon


Security first principle – measure and manage security. Ensure compliance, transparency, identity management and perimeter security. SWAT teams for forensics.

Our Partnerships

& Ecosystem
2020INC logoAriseHealth logoOE logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logo


A suite of cloud and open source based products and solutions to provide smarter IT services to organisations.